Stomach acid test

Stomach acid test

If you ask your doctor for something to help relieve acid reflux/heartburn, you will likely be prescribed a Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s) such as ‘Omeprazole’ or told to try some antacids from the local pharmacy.  These types of medications are effective for high...
Natural Help for Cholesterol

Natural Help for Cholesterol

My post this week on cholesterol is long form simply because the concept shared needs full context and explanation.  For this reason I have allowed myself to write a longer piece trusting that those who are keen to dive in, will be happy to do so. Does cholesterol...

Healthy Chocolate Treats this Easter

Happy Easter with Healthy Chocolate Treats! Struggling with weight gain, hormone imbalances, sugar cravings and digestive problems can be hard at the best of times, particularly during Easter when you are surrounded by chocolate.  For some of you, it probably feels...