Australia’s ABC’s Four Corner’s Investigation ‘The Baby Business‘  – a look into ‘misleading ivf statistics’ aired last night described the relatively low chance of success through IVF.

Fertility specialist, Professor Norman, stated that a large chunk of women undergoing IVF “will get pregnant without IVF, and that is by understanding their fertility window, by tracking their cycle properly, by losing weight and exercise or having ovulation induction”.

The good news for many women and couples wanting to improve their own IVF statistics for their next cycle is they can access my IVF support program, a great resource to have to maximise their chances of IVF success.

Optimise IVF Statistics with the IVF Diet program

To help turnaround the IVF statistics you are faced with, below is a program to assist this:

  • The Holistic IVF Diet Guide to Making Babies book
  • The IVF Diet Cookbook
  • Guided Meditation for IVF Success (CD/MP3)

The Holistic IVF Diet Guide to Making BabiesMy main book, The Holistic IVF Diet Guide to Making Babies provides you with the information and guidance to prepare you and your partner to be in the best possible health to maximise your chance of IVF success – covering preconception, healthy eating, specific supplements and strategies to manage the emotional ‘rollercoaster’ ride of IVF.

I have already had several success stories of women conceiving after reading my book via assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF and naturally, even with the odds of achieving a pregnancy being against them.

While there is advice out there from various sources, this book offer so much more as it is based not only on a combination of up-to-date medical research and my professional knowledge, but also my personal experience of IVF. Fantastic for both patients and practitioners.

If you want to learn how best to improve egg quality, sperm health and to maximise your chances of IVF success, this is a chance to take a glimpse and download the first chapter for free.

Otherwise you can buy the book now and start maximising your chances of IVF success.