Are you noticing mood changes? Are you anxious?  Are you feeling depressed? Are you feeling tired and lethargic? Are you plagued by monthly mood swings?
What is causing your mood swings and mood changes?
There can be one or many causes/triggers for any of the following:

  • depression/low mood
  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)/Premenstrual tension (PMT)
  • menopausal mood changes
  • anger outbursts/frustration
  • emotional eating leading to weight gain.

Possible causes of mood changes and mood swings

Nutrient imbalance

For some people, the cause of their mood swings may be merely a mineral deficiency such as iron or zinc, a vitamin deficiency such as vitamin D or vitamin B12.

Imbalance in brain chemicals

For others, there may be a deficiency in a particular amino acid which is involved in the cascade of necessary brain chemicals including neuropeptides and neuotransmitters.

Hormone imbalance

An imbalance (deficiency or excess) in a particular hormone or a neurotransmitter can be also a cause to mood changes and mood swings. 

Blood sugar imbalance

A drop in blood sugar levels, also known as ‘hypoglycemia’ can contribute to mood changes especially anxiety.  It is a signal that all is not right with the system that is responsible for blood sugar balance.  It is important to be advised by a suitable medically trained pracitioner such as myself to best manage this condition. Apart from the pancreas, the adrenal glands and gut function need to be considered.

Pyrrole disorder

Also known as kryptopyrroles or pyrrole disorder, this is an inherited condition where the body makes too much of a substance known as pyrroles, during the everyday production of haemoglobin. These pyrroles bind to your vitamin B6 and your zinc, causing these precious nutrients to become excreted rather than absorbed. Eventually the condition manifests as a serious and long lasting zinc and B6 deficiency. This condition can also result in ‘undermethylating’ (more about that some other time!).

Symptoms related to a pyrrole disorder can include mood swings, anger, depression, anxiety, nervousness, feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with stress.

Other symptoms may include lowered immunity, poor quality hair, skin and nails; fatigue; brain fog; leaky gut and food allergies; fungal infections and candida; hormone imbalances; joint pain especially knee pain; abnormal body fat distribution; poor dream recall; poor tolerance to light and sounds; migraines and headaches; lack of hunger or nausea in the mornings; bumpy skin on the back of arms and skin that burns easily in the sun.

Treatment should be provided by a suitably trained practitioner who has a sound knowledge of this condition.


Chronic, low-grade, systemic inflammation has been directly implicated in just about every chronic disease; brain conditions are no exception. Unlike other organs, your brain has no pain fibres so symptoms manifest as problems like brain fog, depression or fatigue.

Did you know there is also a direct link to your gut health and inflammation?  As a naturopath I consider  the ‘gut-brain link’ and other factors that may be triggering inflammation including poor diet, gluten sensitivity, food intolerances and so on.  By addressing the cause and taking steps to reduce inflammation  naturally, you will be surprised how much better you will feel both physically and mentally.

Food intolerance

As mentioned above, food intolerances/sensitivities can create inflammation in the gut and wreak havoc on your brain leading to mood swings, depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, fatigue, poor focus and concentration.  Such food issues can be identified in clinic and addressed with naturopathic medicine.

Pathogen influence

Did you know that harmful pathogens including parasites, candida overgrowth, mould sensitivity, certain viruses and bacteria can affect your gut and nervous system leading to mood swings and mood changes? (Remember the gut-brain link!)  The good news is these too, can be identified and successfully dealt with.

Traumatic life events

Of course, the reason for mood changes may be grief from losing a loved one, or another traumatic life event whereby counseling, time and appropriate support from your health care practitioner will help to ease the emotional pain.

Other triggers

Last but not least, any number of the following may also be contributing to mood changes and mood swings:

  • Dehydration!
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Sluggish liver function
  • Poor sleep habits
  • Chronic stress
  • High homocysteine levels
  • Past head or neck injuries

What is the cause of my mood changes and mood swings?

From reading this post, you may are no doubt thinking it can be difficult to pinpoint what is causing your mood changes/mood swings. It is therefore advisable to speak with both your doctor and naturopath (who would work together in an ideal world!) to identity the real cause of your moods.

Using Naturopathic medicine  (including herbal medicine, diet, nutritional supplements, lifestyle advice) you will be surprised how much better you can feel both physically and mentally.

And for my ‘hormonally challenged patients’ I also provide tailor-made hormone balancing creams!

Book an Appointment Today

If you are suffering from mood swings, anxiety or depression and looking for some effective natural treatment, book an appointment today and start your journey to improved mental health today.