Awareness of the effect of mould on human health has increased in recent years and I see many patients affected by mould toxicity in my clinic.
Everyone can become sick from over-exposure to ‘biotoxins’ including mould, however most will recover once the exposure is removed. Some people though, are genetically predisposed to becoming sicker from these toxins, because they have an immune response gene called HLA-DR which prevents biotoxins from being detoxified by the body: this ultimately leads to a systemic condition called ‘chronic inflammatory response syndrome’ (CIRS).
In addition, patients with Lyme disease will be more sensitive and be more affected from mould toxicity.
Should we be concerned?
The short answer is “Yes”, because biotoxins are extremely common. Water-damaged buildings are a major concern, as mould can grow within these environments in 24–48 hours. In addition, mould can also grow in environments that aren’t water-damaged
Symptoms of mould toxicity
There is a very wide range of non-specific biotoxin accumulation symptoms, which can make mould toxicity and CIRS difficult to diagnose without proper testing. These include:
- memory problems and brain fog (trouble with focus and word recollection, decreased learning ability and confusion; disorientation
- headaches
- fatigue and weakness
- muscle cramping, aches and pains, joint pain without inflammatory arthritis
- nerve pain or “ice pick” pain; numbness and tingling
- hypersensitivity to bright light, blurred vision
- burning or red eyes, tearing
- sinus problems, cough, shortness of breath and asthma-like symptoms, chronic congestion
- tremors, vertigo
- abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, appetite changes, metallic taste in the mouth, weight loss resistance
- night sweats and temperature dysregulation, excessive thirst, increased urination
- frequent static “shocks”, morning stiffness, and skin sensitivity.
How do I know if mould is contributing to my poor health?
Unless you have positive proof of mould in your environment (you can see and smell it), it can be difficult to know if such mould and biotoxins are contributing to your poor health. However, the good news is experienced practitioners using sophisticated testing methods can help to identify mould and biotoxin exposure. What’s more, it is also possible to address the effecst of the mould and biotoxins quickly and effectively.
Naturopathic treatment for Mould Toxicity
Additionally, you may also prescribe:
- Detoxification support – skin brushing, rebounding, homotoxicology detox kits
- Toxaprevent – a medicated clay that helps to absorb mould biotoxins
- Clove essential oil – topical use: to infuse spray, on affected areas etc
- Australian Bush Flower ‘Green’ essence – helps desensitise from mould exposure
What else can you do?
If you do have CIRS and you have a genetic difference that makes you unable to remove biotoxins from your system, it is paramount importance to take additional steps to heal yourself. This is where the help of a knowledgeable practitioner who understands how to treat mould toxicity and CIRS effectively is required. To prevent accumulation of biotoxins in your environment:
- Use air purifiers and sanitisers
- Be sure to scrub mould off surfaces and dry completely
- Always fix leaks or other water problems as soon as they arise
- If absorbent material, such as tiles or carpet, becomes mouldy, throw them away
- Never paint over or caulk mouldy surfaces
- Clean and repair roof gutters regularly
- Regularly have your boiler and central heating system checked
- Frequently change air conditioner filters and keep drip pans clean and drain lines unobstructed
- Ensure the ground around buildings slopes away from the foundation, so water doesn’t collect at the base
- Measure indoor humidity with a meter and keep it between 30 and 50 percent, no more. Use a de-humidifier if necessary and/or increase ventilation
- Make sure kitchens, laundry rooms and bathrooms are well ventilated
- Never carpet an area that is exposed to moisture, such as a bathroom
Mould illness or CIRS is an issue that needs to be taken seriously. If you suspect your home has a mould problem, take the necessary steps to eradicate it and book yourself a consultation today!